

AbbVie Volwiler Society Life Time Achievement Award, 2014 for institutionalizing Human Factors Engineering in the Abbott/AbbVie medical product development process. (Pictured Left)

Abbott/AbbVie Presidents Awards, 2002, 2006, 2015 for significant contributions to HF processes and new products.

AAMI 2010 Technical Committee Award (Co-Chair) for leading the development of ANSI/AAMI HE-75:2009 Human Factors Engineering: Design of Medical Devices.

Named one of 100 Notable People in the area of Medical Devices by MDDI (Canon Communications, Inc.) June, 2008

Product of the Year 2006 – Symbiq™ Infusion Pump System (Hospira, Inc) Product Design Technical Group of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Western Electric Scholar Award, 1967-1970,

Weston Award for Highest GPA, NJIT, 1969

A lifetime of work recognized

Watch Dr. Israelski receive the prestigious AbbVie Volwiler Society Life Time Achievement Award in 2014