Edmond W. Israelski PhD

Lake Barrington, IL 60010, USA

+1 847 224 3289



Ph.D., Engineering/Industrial Psychology (Human Performance), Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ

M.S., Operations Research, Columbia University, New York, NY

B.S.E.E., Electrical Engineering (Magna cum laude), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey

Electronics Technology Diploma, RCA Institutes, New York, NY


July, 2016 to present   Independent Consultant.

·       Focusing on Medical Product Design and Evaluation and Human Factors Engineering strategy for research, testing and regulatory compliance,           

September 2001 to June 2016    AbbVie (Formerly Abbott Laboratories)

DIRECTOR HUMAN FACTORS (Retired), Research and Development

  • Created an infrastructure to embed Human Factors process steps in all aspects of design and evaluation of medical products and devices. Led a 20 member cross-division team to execute these new processes. Built and managed a group of human factors engineers, who participated in the design and evaluation of all medical products for AbbVie including Humira, Duopa, Viekera Pak, Kaletra, Novir, CREON, among others. Given a Volwiler Society Lifetime Achievement Award for this work.

  • Participated in the user interface design and evaluation of a wide variety of medical products including infusion pumps, new drug delivery and safety systems, glucose meters, vascular intervention devices, GUI’s for cardiac output monitoring devices, laboratory and point of care diagnostic testing systems, drug labels and packaging and feeding tube placement verifiers.

  • Developed detailed operating procedures, tools, templates and a supporting intranet web site to ensure AbbVie products are competitive and meet all FDA and international human factors design regulations.

  • Represented AbbVie on outside medical device human factors standards committees and authoring a variety of standards chapters for AAMI, ANSI, IEC and ISO. Co-chair of the Human Factors Engineering Committee for AAMI. Member of National Academy of Sciences Human Systems Integration committee.  Co-Convener of ISO/IEC Joint Working Group on Usability for Medical Devices


May 2003 to May 2006   Hospira, Inc (Formerly Abbott)              


  • Developed a human factors engineering program and job position to bring company in compliance with human factors regulations for medical devices.

  • Active participant in a team to develop a breakthrough award winning next generation infusion pump platform with large color touchscreen incorporating intelligent programming and safety systems.

  • Helped define new human factors engineering processes for the design and evaluation of critical care hospital medical devices including language localization testing and evaluation procedures.


March 2000  to August 2001 Human Factors International


  • Individual project consulting work for Fortune 1000 companies in analyzing, designing and evaluating user interfaces for GUI, Web, handheld products and services.

  • Participated in web UI design for major clients including, Volkswagen, The Sports Authority, Orbitz.com, SAP, Caremark, Santera, Sorrento Networks, Aerospan, Principal.com, RightNow Technologies.

  • Directed the work effort, coaching and mentoring of all 45 Professional Staff

  • Advised HFI Board of Directors on consulting process improvement, company growth, new products and marketing of Human Factors.

  • Helped HFI grow from 50 to 105 employees and increase annual revenues from 6 to 11 Million.

March 1998 to March 2000 SBC - Ameritech


  • Directed Human Factors group and participated in the design and evaluation of the user experience for Consumer and Business products in all areas of voice, video and data communications including traditional local and long distance, cable TV, E-commerce, Cellular and Security networks.

  • HF group efforts led to 50% growth in new product revenue for three years running.  $320M realized in 1999 aided by over 40 patent filings by group members.

  • HF group designed user interface to many new innovative and award winning products including Privacy Manager™, Talking Call Waiting™ and 2.4 GHz home communications system platform.

November 1986 to March 1998 Lucent Technologies – Bell Labs

TECHNICAL MANAGER OF HUMAN FACTORS, Business Communications Systems

  • Created and directed 2 groups of HF specialists supporting the design and evaluation of user interfaces for customer premises communications systems such as: PBX’s, video systems, universal messaging, email, PC-based integrated voice/data terminals and web/GUI based network management products.  Grew HF from zero to 55 professionals

  • Led project to ingrain HF methodology into Lucent new product development process that resulted in greatly improved usability for new enterprise network products. Key factor toward annual 30% revenue growth.

January 1977 to November 1986  AT&T

DISTRICT MANAGER, Corporate Headquarters, Human Resources Department (Employment Research)

  • Developed and validated employment selection tests and procedures including physical and cognitive domains for Bell System population of 1.1M employees. Value of utility improvements was over $50M.

  • Directed detailed systems analysis and mathematical modeling of the employment office process resulting in over $25M annual savings.

  • Conducted job analysis, job design, job evaluation, training evaluation, safety studies, accessibility studies, international employee selection studies, and development of employee performance measurement systems for all Bell System companies leading to multimillion-dollar savings.

STAFF MANAGER, Marketing (Product Management – Visual Communications Systems) (1/77 to 3/79)

  • Performed large-scale market research studies of users of video teleconferencing and other visual communications systems.

  • Coordinated economic analysis studies for business case preparations, including development of marketing forecasting models.

  • Developed the first business case for the first ever Bell System product team that projected the economic failure of Picturephone Meeting Service™.

June 1970 to  January 1977 AT&T Bell Labs

MEMBER OF TECHNICAL STAFF, Human Factors Engineering (Customer Systems)

  • Responsible for conducting human factors studies of customer control procedures for business telephone systems. Work included designing, supervising and data analysis of laboratory experiments and field studies

  • Designed and conducted pioneering studies that led to a national standard for dial code structures e.g. *69 for all special telephone calling features.

MTS, Human Factors (Loop Transmission Systems) (3/73 to 2/76)

  • Performed human factors studies of telephone company craft and management employees in the Outside Plant/Loop Transmission area.

  • Saved over $10M in field information distribution by process redesign resulting from a root cause analysis study of 22 Bell Companies.

SYSTEMS ENGINEER, Transmission Engineering (6/70 to 2/73)

  • Developed transmission maintenance protocols for full motion video and other wideband transmission systems

  • Developed innovative digital error measurement system using existing Bell Company analog noise measurement equipment.

June 1967 to May 1970 Motorola Communications


  • Maintained CCTV, radio transmitters and pagers for mobile customers including police and fire departments. Part time while attending college NJIT,

March 1966 to Sept 1966 NBC TV  


  • Worked on studio equipment maintenance and operation in TV Control Rooms at 30 Rockefeller Plaza NBC headquarters in NYC.

  • Worked a variety of shows including: The Tonight Show (Johnny Carson), Jeopardy, Evening and Late night news, NFL football games.

March1965 to March 1966 ABC TV


  • Worked backstage and in managing audiences for various TV shows including: Soap Operas, The Price is Right, Sunday talk shows (Issues and Answers), Jimmy Dean Show, Virginia Graham's Girl Talk, Less Crane Show, Telethons, Science shows (Gemini space shots).


Board certified in Human Factors/Ergonomics (Certificate 644), Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics, Inc.

Thirty patents granted.

AAMI Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, Past co-chair of Human Factors Engineering standards development committee, 2001 to 2010. HFE committee member 2001 to present.

Co-Convener of ISO/IEC Joint Working Group on Usability for Medical Devices, 2009 to present

Member of the National Academy of Sciences Board on Human Systems Integration, 2015 to 2022.

Member of the National Academy of Sciences committee on Human-System Design Support For Changing Technology to research methodology gaps in Human Factors methods. 2005-2007

Juror for the Medical Design Excellence Awards – 2007-2008 for Canon Publications.

Reviewer for scientific journals; Human Performance, Applied Ergonomics and the Human Factors Journal (Member of Editorial Board, 2007 to present, Co-editor of special issue on Human Factors in Telecommunications, Fall, 1995), Paper Reviewer for numerous conferences, HFES 1995-2020, HFT 1997 –2013.

Fellow of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, HFES: Chairman Public Relations, 1983; General Chairman, Planning for 1987 HFES Annual Meeting; President, Communications Technical Group, 1985; Member/Chairman Williams Award Committee, 1991-1992, 2001; Chair of General Awards Committee, 1993-1999, Member Ely Best Journal Article Award Committee, 2002-2004, Membership Chair Division 14 of APA, 2007.

Metropolitan Chapters HFES, New York and Chicago chapters: Treasurer, 1977, 1978; Director, 1979; President, 1980, 1990

International Human Factors in Telecommunications, Member of the Permanent Steering Committee; ITU-T, International Telecommunications Union; Associate Rapporteur for Human Factors Standards; American Psychological Association (APA); User Experience Professionals Association; Society of Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychologists (Div. 21-APA); Society of Industrial-Organizational Psychology (Div.14-APA); International Association of Applied Psychology; Psi Chi (Psychology Honor Society); Eta Kappa Nu (Engineering Honor Society, Secretary, 1970); TASA, Expert Witness Advisory Group.


AbbVie Volwiler Society Life Time Achievement Award, 2014 for institutionalizing Human Factors Engineering in the Abbott/AbbVie medical product development process.

Abbott/AbbVie Presidents Awards, 2002, 2006, 2015 for significant contributions to HF processes and new products.

AAMI 2010 Technical Committee Award (Co-Chair) for leading the development of ANSI/AAMI HE-75:2009 Human Factors Engineering: Design of Medical Devices.

Named one of 100 Notable People in the area of Medical Devices by MDDI (Canon Communications, Inc.) June, 2008

Product of the Year 2006 – Symbiq™ Infusion Pump System (Hospira, Inc) Product Design Technical Group of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Western Electric Scholar Award, 1967-1970,

Weston Award for Highest GPA, NJIT, 1969


Journal Papers:

Israelski, E.W. and Muto, W.H.(2004).Human Factors Risk Management as a Way to Improve Medical Device Safety: A Case Study of the Therac-25 Radiation Therapy System. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Safety. 30(12), pp. 689-695

Angiolillo, J. S., Blanchard, H. E., and Israelski, E. W. (May/June 1993). Video Telephony, AT&T Technical Journal, 72(3), pp. 7-20.

Israelski, E. W., Angiolillo-Bent, J. S., Brems, D. J., Hoag, L. L., Roberts, L. A., and Wells, R. S. (September 1989). Generalizable User Interface Research, AT&T Technical Journal, 68(5), pp. 31-43.

Reilly, R. R. and Israelski, E. W. (1988). The Development and Validation of Minicourses in The Telecommunications Industry, Journal of Applied Psychology, 73(4), pp. 721-726.

Reilly, R. R., Zink, D. M., and Israelski, E. W. (1984). Comparison of Direct and Indirect Methods for Setting Minimum Passing Scores, Applied Psychological Measurement, 8(4), pp. 421-429.

Israelski, E. W. (June 1979). A User Study of the Bell System's Video-Teleconferencing System: Applications and Attitudes, Ergonomics, (Abstract), pp.743.

Israelski, E. W. (1989). Somewhat of a Treatise on Fuzzy Set Theory Applications, Contemporary Psychology, 34(7), pp. 672-673.

Israelski, E. W. (1991). People and Computers: Do We Need Them? Contemporary Psychology, 36(10), pp. 879-880.

Papers with Presentations: (Selected)

Bojko, A., Buffardi, K., Lew, G and Israelski, E. W. (2006) Eye Tracking Study On The Impact Of  The Manufacturer’s Logo And Multilingual Description On Drug Selection Performance Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Francisco, California.

Muto, W. H., and Israelski, E.W. (2005) Challenges in HCI Development for Medical Devices: A Human Factor’s Perspective. Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, HCI international 2005. Las Vegas, Nevada.

Bojko, A., Gaddy, C., Lew, G., Quinn. A.,and Israelski, E. W. (2005) Evaluation Of Drug Label Designs Using Eye Tracking, Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Orlando, Florida

Israelski, E.W. and Muto, W. H. (2005) Human Factors Engineering: Experiences at Abbott Laboratories. Proceedings of MEK 2005, Medical Devices: Human Factors and Patient Safety, Munster, Germany.

Israelski, E. W. and Muto, W. H. (2003). Use-Error Focused Risk Analysis for Medical Devices: A Case Study of the Therac-25 Radiation Therapy System. Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Lankford, C. P., Shannon, P. F., Beling, P. A., McLaughlin P. J., Ellis, S. H., Israelski, E.W., and Hutchinson, T. E. (1997). Graphical User Interface Design Using Eye Gaze Tracking and Pupil Response with ERICA. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society.

Israelski, E. W. and Schoeffler, M. S. A. (May 1995). Milestone for Human Factors in Telecommunications: The Making of the Special Issue of the Human Factors Society Journal on “Telecommunications,” Proceedings of Human Factors in Telecommunications, Melbourne, Australia.

Israelski, E. W. (May 1988). An Experimental Comparison of User Performance with Alternative Access Codes for PBX Features, Proceedings of Human Factors in Telecommunications, The Hague, Netherlands.

Israelski, E. W. (1986). AT&T Experience with Minicourses as Selection Devices, Proceedings of the AT&T Behavioral Sciences Days, Basking Ridge, NJ, pp. 137-143.

Israelski, E. W. (1978). Commonplace Human Factors Problems Experienced by the Colorblind: A Pilot Questionnaire Survey, Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, pp. 347-351.

Israelski, E. W. (1977). A Proposal to Fill the Blank Pages of Future Human Factors Handbooks, Proceedings of the Metropolitan Chapter of the Human Factors Society, New York, pp. 51-57.

Israelski, E. W., Gruenz, Jr., O. O., and Ward, H. (1977). Human Limitations in Using a Portable Light Pen Device for Manually Scanning Bar Code Patterns, Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, pp. 221-225.

Israelski, E. W. and Lenoble, J. (1982). Rater Fatigue in Job Analysis Surveys, Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, pp. 35-39.

Israelski, E. W. (1981). The Bed and Its Human Factors Aspects, Proceedings of the Annual 25th Meeting of the Human Factors Society, pp. 325-328.


Over 85 invited presentations since 2005 at a wide variety of conference and workshop venues including the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Opal, MDM, Marcus Evans, IBC Life Sciences, IQPC Medical Device Software, PDA, Great Lakes GMP, Bioforum, AAMI/FDA, RAPS, soCRA, Informa, U of Minn, UBM, UXPA, HCI International, SMI, Q1, Excl Events, PharmaEd,  etc

Israelski, E. W. (2005) Human Factors at Abbott: The Broker Model, Human Factors, Ergonomics, and Patient Safety for Medical Devices Conference, AAMI, Wash DC

Israelski, E. W. (2005) The Human Factor’s Engineering Process, Human Factors, Ergonomics, and Patient Safety for Medical Devices Conference, AAMI, Wash DC

Israelski, E. W. (2005) Integrating Usability into the Design Process:Case Study – Therac 25, Human Factors, Ergonomics, and Patient Safety for Medical Devices Conference, AAMI, Wash DC

Israelski, E. W. (1980). A Successful Corporate Video Teleconferencing System - Who Uses It and What They Use It For, Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society.

Israelski, E. W. and Stuster, J. W. (1983). Development and Evaluation of a Minicourse Screening Test for Fiber Optic and Digital Transmission Maintenance Technicians, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, pp. 1022 (Abstract).

Israelski, E. W. (April 1987). AT&T Experience with Minicourses as Selection Devices, American Psychological Association, Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychologists, Mid-Year Conference, Atlanta.

Israelski, E. W. (September 18, 1991). Symposium - Human Factors Applications for Disabled Persons - President's Opening Remarks, Proceedings of the Metropolitan Chapter of the Human Factors Society, New York, pp. 2-6.

ARTICLES (Technical Magazines)

Clark, S. E. and Israelski, E. (1st Quarter, 2012) Total Recall: The Consequences of Ignoring Medical Device Usability, User Experience, Vol 11, Issue 1.

Quinn, A., Bojko, A., Gaddy, C. and Israelski, E. (Winter 2006). Better Drug Labeling for Pharmacists, Ergonomics in Design, 14 (1), pp 18-23.

Israelski, E.W. (July/August 2000). Five Steps to Unlocking a Web Site’s Potential, IT Professional, 2(4), pp. 55-57.

Hanson, B. L. and Israelski, E. W. (February 1977). Human Factors Engineering in the Outside Plant: Bringing Out the Best, Bell Laboratories Record, pp. 30-55. (Reprinted in Telephone Engineering and Management, April 1977, pp. 101-111.)


Israelski, E. (2015) Expert Commentary on BS EN 62366-1:2015, Medical devices – Part 1: Application of usability engineering to medical devices. The British Standards Institution

Risk and Reliability In Healthcare and Nuclear Power: Learning from Each Other (2013), Edited by Matthew B. Weinger, Bruce P. Hallbert, and Mary K. Logan, AAMI Monograph, Arlington, VA (Contributing author)

Human System Integration in the System Development Process: A New Look. (2007), Committee on Human-Systems Design Support for Changing Technology, (R. Pew, N. Bevan, N. Cook, S. Evenson, D. Graeber, E. Israelski, B. Kleiner, M. Muller, F. Ritter, E. Roth, T. Sandquist) R. Pew and A. Mavor (Eds) National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, The National Academies Press

Israelski, E. W. (1977). Human Factors Handbook for Telecommunications Product Design, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ, (295 pages).


Israelski, E. W. and Muto, W. H., (2022) Risk Management: How to Assess and Control Risk Related to Human Error in Products and Systems. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Press, Wash DC


Israelski, E.W. (2021) Human Factors Considerations in the User Interface Design of Bridge Ventilator Devices in A.H. Hakima, T.E. Milner, G.R. Rajan and B.J-F. Wong (Eds) Mechanical Ventilation Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. Springer Cham, Switzerland

Israelski, E.W. (2013) Design Inputs and Associated Design Verification And Validation —A Primer On Applying Human Factors Engineering in L. Hornbeck (Ed) Combination Products Implementation of cGMP Requirements. River Grove, IL, PDA- DHI Publishing,

Israelski, E. W. and Muto, W. H. (2011) Human Factors Engineering: A Case Study in T. Pawlicki,  et al. (Eds) Quality and Safety in Radiology, New York, NY, Taylor and Francis

Israelski, E. W. (2011). Positioning Human Factors Within The Company in A. Lund, User Experience Management: Essential Skills for Leading Effective UX Teams, New York, Morgan Kaufmann-Elsevier.

 Israelski, E. W. (2010). Basic Human Skills and Abilities, in D. Gardner-Bonneau, M.  B. Weinger and Michael Wiklund (Eds) Handbook of Human Factors in Medical Device Design. New York, NY: CRC Press

Israelski, E. W. (2010). Testing and Evaluation, in D. Gardner-Bonneau, M.  B. Weinger and Michael Wiklund (Eds) Handbook of Human Factors in Medical Device Design. New York, NY: CRC Press

Israelski, E. W. and Allread, W. G.(2010). Anthropometry and Biomechanics, in D. Gardner-Bonneau, M.  B. Weinger and Michael Wiklund (Eds) Handbook of Human Factors in Medical Device Design. New York, NY: CRC Press

Israelski, E.W. and Muto, W.H. (2006) Human Factors Risk Management in Medical Devices. In P. Carayon (Ed) Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Patient Safety, Mahwah, NJ : Lawrence Erlbaum. Updated chapter in 2nd edition 2012.

Israelski, E.W. and Muto, W.H. (2005) User Centered Design at Abbott Laboratories. In M. Wiklund and S. B. Wilcox (Eds) Designing Usability into Medical Products, CRC Press.

Israelski, E. W. and Muto, W. H. (2005). Human Factors Risk Management as a Way to Improve Medical Device Safety: A Case Study of the Therac-25 Radiation Therapy System  in J. W.Gosbee, and L. L Gosbee, (Eds) Using Human Factors to Improve Patient Safety.. Oakbrook Terrace: Joint Commission Resources, Inc. ((reprinted from the Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Safety.)

Israelski, E. W. and Lund A. R. (2002). The Evolution of HCI Work During the Telecommunications Revolution, in J. A. Jacko and A. Sears (Eds) Handbook of Human Computer Interaction in Interactive Systems. Mahwah, NJ: L. Erlbaum 

Angiolillo, J. S., Blanchard, H. E., & Israelski, E. W. (1999). Designing Consumer Products For Ease Of Use, in J. G. Webster (Ed), Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (vol. 5), New York: Wiley, pp. 208-221

Angiolillo, J. S., Blanchard, H. E., Israelski, E. W., and Mane, A. (1997).  Technology Constraints of Video Mediated Communications, in Finn, K. E., Sellen, A. J., and Wilbur, S. B. (Eds.), Video Mediated Communications, L. A. Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ

Israelski, E. W. (1995). Methods for Usability Engineering in Equipment Design, in F. E. Froehlich and A. Kent (Eds.) The Encyclopedia of Telecommunications, New York: Marcel Dekker.

Israelski, E. W. (1995). Telecommunications, in J. Weimer (Ed), Research Techniques in Human Engineering, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Reilly, R. R. and Israelski, E. W. (1990). Development and Validation of Minicourses in the Telecommunication Industry, T. Peterson (Ed), Human Resource Management. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, (reprinted from the Journal of Applied Psychology.)

Israelski, E. W. and Reilly, R. R. (1988). Telecommunications Craftworkers, in S. Gael (Ed), The Job Analysis Handbook for Business, Industry and Government. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Israelski, E. W. (1988). Automotive Mechanics, in S. Gael (Ed.) The Job Analysis Handbook for Business, Industry and Government. New York: John Wiley & Sons.


AAMI – Co-teach 3 day class with FDA to industry on Human Factors for Medical Devices. Since 2009 class has been taught 40 times to over 2000 students. Taught courses to FDA CDRH and FDA CDER in White Oak, MD.

Northwestern University – Since 2008 delivered over 35 guest lectures on Human Factors to students at the Segal Design Institute of the McCormick Engineering school. Also, since 2008 been a Segal Institute Affiliate and Adjunct Instructor reviewing and critiquing student engineering projects.

Marquette University- Between 2009 – 2016 delivered over 28 guest lectures on basics of Human Factors to engineering school seniors.

Virginia Tech- Created 6 Human Factors modules in an on-line course on Risk Management for graduate students in Health Sciences.

Additional Guest lectures at Columbia University, DePaul University and the University of Wisconsin.


NJIT- Taught 15 week graduate level course as an adjunct instructor on Basics of Human Factors in 1993.


Abbott/AbbVie Quality College- Between 2002 – 2016  taught:

  • Overview of Human Factors (one-day class) over 30 times to more than 500 employees.

  • Workshop on Usability Testing over 10 times

  • Workshop on Use Focused Risk Analysis over 10 times

Mentoring – Mentored 13 Abbott PDP Professional Development Program employees each for 6 months. Mentored 8 summer interns since 2005


IECEE – Led one-day workshops on international Human Factors standards to 70 Notified Bodies in 2011 and 2015.


BioForum – Led two-day workshops on HF for Regulatory Compliance to 40 Israeli medical device manufacturers in 2012, 2015 and 2017 in Tel Aviv.

Consulting Experience (Selected):


EEOC Expert Witness (1/2020 – 6/2021)

  • Prepare expert report on validity and adverse impact on female applicants for truck driver jobs

Abbott Point of Care Product Development Consultant (5/2015 – 6/2016)

  • Handheld IVD device product development and HF strategy

Abbott Vascular Product Development Consultant (5/2016 – present)

  • Structural Heart product development and HF strategy

Abbott Rapid Diagnostics Product Development Consultant (10/2019 – present)

  • HF advisor and trainer for rapid diagnostic IVD products

AbbVie R&D Product Development Consultant (7/2016 – present)

  • HF Technical Advisor on Combination Product Design and regulatory compliance

Numerous Clients: Philips, Dentsply Sirona, Cognition, Cognit, Metaphase, Hollister, Kinexium, Zimmer Bio-Met, Sage,  Medicines360, Starfish, ioLifeSciences, Invetech, Innovenn, P&G HFCSI, Yuanliman Testing, BD. Consultant (2017 - present)

  • Strategic advice on product design, HFE process, regulatory compliance for medical products

Siemens Healthcare Product Development Consultant (5/2015 – 12/2015)

  • Imaging product development and HF strategy

Flight Medical, Israel Product Development Consultant (5/2014 – 12/2014)

  • Reviewed and revised Regulatory submissions for FDA 510K for helicopter ventilator medical device that was cleared. 

Taylor, Halliburton, Ledbetter Attorney Expert Witness (2/05 – 12/07)

  • Investigating usability, labeling and training defects of self-contained breathing apparatus used by fireman killed in a building collapse

Blunt & Associates Expert Witness (1/02 -12/06)

  • Investigated usability defects of computer controlled baking goods mixing system that caused an operator to lose a hand. Gave depositions.


Blunt & Associates Expert Witness (6/01 – 7/02)

  • Investigated and reported causes of repetitive stress injury to a railroad worker after many years operating railroad heavy equipment with excessive vibrations


Kopka, Landau & Pinkus Attorneys at Law Expert Witness (6/00 – 5/01)

  • Investigated human factors causes of operator failure to stop a printing press from overheating and being destroyed in a fire


Klein Tools, Inc. Consultant (10/98 – 3/99)

  • Designed and conducted field studies of the usability of new Personal Climbing Equipment for Utility Lineworkers.


Paul Levinson (Attorney), Expert Witness (8/96 – 12/96)

  • Developed expert report describing probabilities of false rejections of job candidates who had taken personality tests for telephone company jobs


Performance Edge, Inc., Consultant (11/94 - 4/95)

  • Developed practice employment tests, preparatory materials for assessment centers and employment interviews. Covered sales jobs and telecommunications technician jobs

Finkelstein, Levine, Gittelsohn and Tetenbaum Counselors at Law, Expert Witness (6/94 - 9/94)

  • Motorcycle accident case. Prepared expert testimony on the relevance of traffic safety research on highway signs and warnings and driver behavior.


Rusk, Wadlin, Heppner & Martuscello Attorneys at Law, Expert Witness (6/91- 7/91)

  • Product liability case involving absence of guarding devices on printing press. Prepared expert testimony on relevance of safety guard studies.

Bower and Garner Attorneys at Law, Expert Witness (5/91 - 6/91)

  • Product liability case involving loss of hand in printing press. Testified in court on relevance of negative transfer of learning.


Finkelstein, Levine, Gittelsohn and Tetenbaum Counselors at Law, Expert Witness (12/89 - 10/93)

  • Product liability case involving burns suffered from microwaved baby bottle. Prepared expert testimony on relevance of safety warning studies.


Gold Associates, Human Factors Consulting (1/88- 6/89)

  • Performed job analysis, test development, test validation studies and safety studies of physically demanding iron worker jobs.


Pacific Northwest Bell  Telephone Co., Expert Witness (6/82 - 12/82)

  • Investigated PNB liability in electrocution accident. Prepared expert testimony on the relevance of perceptual impairments and optical illusions studies to the accident.