
Dr. Israelski has presented at over 85 invited presentations since 2005 at a wide variety of conference and workshop venues including the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Opal, MDM, Marcus Evans, IBC Life Sciences, IQPC Medical Device Software, PDA, Great Lakes GMP, Bioforum, AAMI/FDA, RAPS, soCRA, Informa, U of Minn, UBM, UXPA, HCI International, SMI, Q1, Excl Events, PharmaEd,  etc

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Selected Presentations

Israelski, E. W. (2021) Use Related Risk Analysis: Human Factors Considerations and Methods, 12th China International Medical Device Regulatory Forum (Human Factors and Usability Forum) - Wuhan, China and Virtual Conference -  Sept 23-25, 2021

Israelski, E. W. (2005) Human Factors at Abbott: The Broker Model, Human Factors, Ergonomics, and Patient Safety for Medical Devices Conference, AAMI, Wash DC

Israelski, E. W. (2005) The Human Factor’s Engineering Process, Human Factors, Ergonomics, and Patient Safety for Medical Devices Conference, AAMI, Wash DC

 Israelski, E. W. (2005) Integrating Usability into the Design Process:Case Study – Therac 25, Human Factors, Ergonomics, and Patient Safety for Medical Devices Conference, AAMI, Wash DC

 Israelski, E. W. (1980). A Successful Corporate Video Teleconferencing System - Who Uses It and What They Use It For, Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society.

Israelski, E. W. and Stuster, J. W. (1983). Development and Evaluation of a Minicourse Screening Test for Fiber Optic and Digital Transmission Maintenance Technicians, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, pp. 1022 (Abstract).

Israelski, E. W. (April 1987). AT&T Experience with Minicourses as Selection Devices, American Psychological Association, Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychologists, Mid-Year Conference, Atlanta.

Israelski, E. W. (September 18, 1991). Symposium - Human Factors Applications for Disabled Persons - President's Opening Remarks, Proceedings of the Metropolitan Chapter of the Human Factors Society, New York, pp. 2-6.